Task: 1) Research the Caribbean islands.
2) Take notes on the websites you see
3) Make two brochures with your partner
1) Historian - Responsible for brochure sections 2, 4, & 6
2) Artist - Responsible for brochure sections 1, 3, & 5
Here is how you and your partner will create your TWO brochures:
First, fold white paper into three parts.
Fold 1- Flag and name of Country
Fold 2- History of Country (at least FOUR facts)
Fold 3- An artistic scene of area or picture of that country
Fold 4- The biography of a famous person of that country
Fold 5- Map of the country
Fold 6- Travel tips.
(Your brochures should be almost the same, but you must make tw0)
How will it work?
- Today, research for 20-25 minutes.
- Then complete your sections on ONE brochure.
- Give that brochure to your partner, and take the brochure they completed.
- You can now finish your second brochure by using the information you already know.
- You can NOT print pictures offline, or print off maps. Everything is by hand! :)
- You can NOT type anything to print off & glue on your brochure. It must be by hand!
- You CAN type information you want to remember on MS word, but you have to close the document before we leave today.
As you research the Caribbean islands, we will be using some important links. Here are a few:
*General world atlas site: here
Puerto Rico:
Dominican Republic
Trinidad & Tobago * another resource
Barbados -More Barbados